

十大赌博正规老平台协会,英特尔,老道明大学, & Esri主持周末 为善的代码” 支持的事件 奥巴马总统气候数据倡议 

弗吉尼亚海滩, VA -十大赌博正规老平台区, 总部设在安纳波利斯, MD, 今天宣布,切萨皮克气候数据黑客马拉松, 11月8日至9日举行的, 2014, was a great success with significant progress made on new tools that will be used to help government officials better underst和 和 track flooding problems caused by climate change 和 sea level rise in the Hampton Roads region.  The tools will also give the public the information they need to underst和 when 和 where flooding will affect their daily lives. 

Hackathon participants brainstorm how the group could exp和 current flood mapping efforts in the City of Norfolk.The event is part of Intel’s “为善的代码” program 和 supports the Climate Data Initiative, 这是奥巴马总统气候变化行动计划的一部分.  The event was first announced as part of the White House launch of the Climate Data Initiative back in March.  The Hackathon brought together some of the area’s brightest minds in the high-tech industry, including Old Dominion University students 和 professional coders who spent the weekend at Old Dominion University’s Virginia Beach Center brainstorming 和 developing data-driven apps using many different data sets, 比如预测, 实时环境和道路封闭数据, 以及面向公众的地图.

 “The 十大赌博正规老平台 is thrilled with the results of our Chesapeake Climate Data Hackathon 和 we’re proud to have partnered with Intel in support of the White House Climate Data Initiative,——乔尔·邓恩, 十大赌博正规老平台协会的执行董事, 说. “所有这些聪明的头脑, 学生和专业人士都一样, 周末不知疲倦地努力工作. Their creative thinking has led to some real 和 tangible solutions that will help Hampton Roads be more resilient to climate change. This is a showcase example of a public, private, non-profit, 和 academic collaboration that worked.” 

“英特尔很高兴能成为切萨皮克黑客马拉松的一部分. We know that the information needed to help reduce the impacts of flooding 和 other environmental disasters exists, 这只是一个以最好的方式捕捉和应用它的问题,——史蒂芬·哈珀, 全球总监, 环境及能源政策, 英特尔公司, 说. “The Hackathon led to some truly innovative solutions for government officials 和 residents of the Hampton Roads area to better manage future floods.” 

“黑客马拉松不仅取得了成功,而且非常有趣. 我们希望这些新工具和黑客马拉松模式本身, 能被其他司法管辖区复制吗. We look forward to sharing information 和 technology to put this model to use elsewhere,杰夫·艾伦比, 他是十大赌博正规老平台协会的环保创新总监, 说. 

 Some of the highlights that came out of the Hackathon include making significant progress on two core projects:

  • Conceptually designing 和 doing preliminary testing for a low cost sensor package (under $100) that would measure a) 水的高度, b) conductivity (important to know if its salt (bay) water or fresh (rain) water that is causing the flooding), 和 c) soil moisture (to tell how bad rain flooding will be; drier soil will not flood as much as saturated soil). This sensor package will run off an Intel Edison board 和 be able to wirelessly transmit the real-time data back to a central point, 很可能是公共工程部或应急管理部, where it can be displayed on public facing web-maps 和 help direct operations before, 在, 在洪水事件之后.
  • 致力于改善诺福克市的便利使用 T的理想 Inundation T货架 A申请的呢 Norfolk (TITAN) web-mapping application to include a time-enabled slider that combines data from NOAA tide gauges 和 National Weather Service information to determine the anticipated tide/flood level at any time in the next 3 days 和 map which areas in the city of Norfolk are expected to be flooded based on that tide level (currently visitors to the site have to look the data up in a table 和 load the appropriate tide level manually). 随着源数据的更新,该系统将每半小时更新一次.  In the future, this map could also include data from the sensor packages in real time.

An Intel Edison board monitors the salinity 和 soil moisture of four different conditions likely to be seen 在 flood eventsFurther development will be 要求 to make these tools ready to be applied in real-world conditions throughout the Hampton Roads region. The Hackathon’s core partners will continue to work with the students 和 professionals who developed the most promising projects over the next year to bring these new technologies to market.  The group will be forming a crowd-funding campaign in the coming weeks to generate the resources needed to continue their development. 

Intel’s 为善的代码 program aims to tackle society’s most pressing problems by connecting nonprofit organizations with volunteer software developers, 网站创建者, 学生程序员.